Originally from Michigan, Catherine Hardrick, affectionately referred to as “Cat”, has called Snellville her home since 2000. Cat is an activist, and former candidate, and has 5 years of military service as a disabled Army veteran. After 20 years of working in the finance industry, Cat started her own health and wellness-focused business: Journey Within, LLC. As a servant leader, Cat’s service in the community includes mentoring youth, supporting survivors of human trafficking and sexual trauma, combating food insecurities and homelessness, and advocating for our brave veterans. After the murders of Mr. George Floyd and Mr. Ahmaud Arbery, Cat took to the streets in a peaceful protest but realized she had to do more to achieve material change. In 2021, Cat ran for Snellville City Council Post 5 to advocate for community concerns, transparency, and holding local leaders accountable to the people they serve. While she did not unseat the incumbent by 200 votes, it is clear the citizens of Snellville are ready for change! Cat proudly earned her Bachelor of Science Degree from Georgia State University, an Associates Degree in Banking and Finance at Gwinnett Technical College, holds her Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification from The Council on International Education and Exchange (CIEE), a Health Coach Certification from Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and is a Board Member of LETTUM EAT Inc. and Gwinnett Chatt Outreach Inc. Cat is the mother of three adult children and enjoys reading, outdoor activities, and spending time with family and friends. www.ElectCat.com