Commuting three hours a day to work 13-hour days in an Inner-city school in Baltimore took a toll on her, and the office job she took to escape it was only a short-term solution. A Google search for “how to become a freelance writer” changed everything for her, and she was able to supplement her $40,000/year office job with $12,000 in freelance income that first year.
Elance, one of the sites where she found freelance work, profiled her soon after, and over the next year she racked up $50,000 in freelance work on nights and weekends before finally leaving her job to strike out on her own. She was then fired from her office job and that's when she realized that with the crushing defeat of burning out as a teacher (her intended career for years- she was even in the middle of a PhD program) and then being fired from an insurance agency that she was tired of having someone else control her future. She used these difficult experiences to build her business to a fulfilling and flexible career that it is today. In hindsight, she says she is glad she "failed" with those other jobs- it opened the door to something better suited to her.