
Feb. 18, 2019

Ep: 38 Elizabeth Warren Stops By Central Gwinnett High School On Saturday

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Senator Elizabeth Warren stopped by Central Gwinnett High School on Saturday to campaign for the 2020 presidential seat.
Feb. 15, 2019

Ep:37 Creating Your Financial Destiny With Chris Cooke

CHRISTOPHER C. COOKE Chris entered the world of finances due to a work lay-off in 2008 which eventually led to him losing his home, his car and literally everything he owned. He and his family survived living in the dark, wi…
Feb. 14, 2019

Ep: 36 Gwinnett County Community Outreach Program Director Nicole Hendrickson Interview

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com In this episode of Good Morning Gwinnett I talk to Mrs. Nicole Love Hendrickson who is the Gwinnett County Community Outreach Program Director. Nicole comes to us today to talk about some of the …
Feb. 13, 2019

Ep: 35 Interview With Marsha Anderson- Executive Director Of Gateway 85 CID

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Today Gateway 85 Executive Director Marsha Anderson-Bomar talks to us about some of the initiatives and opportunities that are available right now in Gwinnett County. We also discuss the transpo…
Feb. 11, 2019

Ep. 34 Tatto Artist Corey Sullivan Is Disrupting The Industry By Creating A Customer Experience

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com In this episode of Good Morning Gwinnett I talk to Buford business owner tattoo artist Corey Sullivan. He talks about how he and his team are disrupting the tattoo industry by creating a custome…
Feb. 6, 2019

Ep:33 Do You Need A House? Habitat For Humanity Can Help

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com If you are living a place that is undesirable you may qualify for a Habitat For Humanity Home.
Feb. 4, 2019

Ep.32 Square One Is Helping Kids With Life Skills With Golf

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com In my people helping people segment I give a shout out to Square One For Youth which is an amazing organization using the game of golf to help youth with life skills. Check out more news from ar…
Jan. 31, 2019

Ep.31 Need Help Filing Out The N400 For Citizenship

www.GoodMorningGwinnett This weekend The Gwinnet Public Library has partnered with The Latino American Association and the Asian American Advancing Justice Assoication to assist those with Green Cards in filling out the N400…
Jan. 30, 2019

Ep.30 Comedian Bill Bellamy Is Coming To Gwinnett

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com What's Happening Around Gwinnett. As we gear up for Super Bowl Sunday there are some pre events going on. One of which is comedian Bill Bellamy preforming at the Atlanta Comedy Theater in Norcr…
Jan. 29, 2019

What To Do When Your Day Start Off Messed Up Ep.29

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Man today started off crazy. I couldn't get my computer to work and my guest had to be rescheduled. What a mess.
Jan. 28, 2019

Think Positive Ep:28 What Are You Thinking About That's Holding Your Back

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Reset Your Mind For Success
Jan. 23, 2019

The Baby Is Coming

Very short show this morning because I'm on my way to The Eastside Medical Women's Center. My daughter is in labor with my first grand child and I am so excited. I did a brief episode just to share that with you.
Jan. 22, 2019

Ep.27 I'm Interviewing Rapper Cam Copeland (AKA) Mr. Swaggs Talking To Us About How He Broke Into The Rap Game

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com My guest today is rapper Cameron Copeland BKA Mr. Swaggs talking to us about how he broke into the rap game. To support Cam go to www.ShopReaLife.com
Jan. 21, 2019

EP:26 Marting Luther King Had A Dream, What Dream Do You Have

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King. He had an amazing dream that all people would be treated equally. He fought hard for his dream and he died for his dream, but his dream lives on and we…
Jan. 17, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.25 Building Your Legacy With The Global Brand Protector Attorney LeTonya F. Moore

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com My guest today is Attorney LeTonya F. Moore. LeTonya will be discussing with us how to go about creating a brand and a legacy that will out live us.
Jan. 16, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.24 5 Steps For Creating A Movement Around Your Business

In this episode I talk about what you need to do start your very own movement to help you grow your business.
Jan. 15, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.23 All About The Benjamins Baby, Laurie Goodman The "Queen Of Finance" Talking About Budgeting

Tax season is here and some of us can't wait to file, but what will you do with money? My guest today is Laurie Goodman and she will be talking to us about effective budgeting.
Jan. 14, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.22 What I Learned About Effective Collaboration From A Food Tasting

This is the year of collaboration. In order for your business to grow you have to be able to collaborate. No business is successful by being a lone ranger. I went to a food tasting yesterday and the collaborative effort w…
Jan. 10, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.21 Check Out This Word Of Mouth Marketing Story

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Some of the best marketing is word of mouth. Check ou this word of mouth story in this episode
Jan. 9, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.20 You Don't Have To Be A Creative Mess

We all have our strong points. Some people are very organized, some know how to focus and streamline things, some know how to make things beautiful. Some people are really creative. You maybe lacking in that are and are ju…
Jan. 8, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.19 Ask For What You Want In 2019

You probably spent most or all of 2018 wishing for the things you wanted. I challenge you in 2019 to ask for what you want and stop wishing for something to be given to you.
Jan. 7, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.18 Want To Know How To Level Up Your Social Media in 2019? Check Out My Interview With Social Media Boss Quiana

Quiana is the owner of MajorQui Enterprises, LLC, which manages social media platforms for small businesses, in states that include Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, New York, and Virginia. Services include, but are…
Jan. 3, 2019

Good Morning Gwinnett: Ep.17 A Seat At The Table With Gwinnett County Economic Development Manager Shantell Wilson

www.GoodMorningGwinnett Are you interested in learning how to do business with Gwinnett County? If so you don't want to miss my interview with Shantell Wilson who is the Gwinnett County Economic Development manager. She wi…